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资产 management, ESG, Portfolio construction, 可持续性

The future is … European?

  • 布莱恩Klinksiek’s article appears in Issue 12 of 峰会, the official publication of 燃烧的, the association for international real estate investors focused on commercial property in the United States.

    Even as the US has exported trends that have transformed global property markets, several key trends originating in Europe are likely to shape property in the US 和 globally in the years ahead.

    The opportunity to take ideas 和 best practices from one part of the world 和 implement them in another is, alongside diversification benefits, one of the great advantages of investing real estate capital across borders. Cyclical 和 secular themes tend to go global, albeit with leads 和 lags. Having a global perspective can give an investor an early-mover advantage over other players.

    从历史上看, a common (but not exclusive) pattern has been for concepts to debut in US before emerging elsewhere. This was mirrored in my own career trajectory, which was shaped by the export of American business models. I moved from Chicago to London in 2009, 后来去了香港, to help my colleagues implement strategies in sectors that were established in the US but had been nascent elsewhere, such as multifamily apartments 和 self-storage. LaSalle has long tracked these differences in sector institutionalization 和 maturity on its “Going Mainstream” framework.


a picture of a european city overlooking a river
2024年4月17日 ISA Briefing: Climate risk in practice: Regional, market 和 asset-level views Recognition has grown substantially in recent years that climate risk can shape real estate investment outcomes.
2024年4月11日 Physical Climate Risks 和 Underwriting Practices in 资产s 和 Portfolios LaSalle 和 the ULI have released a step-by-step framework to evaluate physical 和 financial risk 和 compare cost 和 benefits of resilience.
A cafe with a terrace among office buildings
2024年2月27日 European Net Zero Carbon annual progress report LaSalle Investment Management is a founding signatory of the Better Buildings Partnership’s (BBP) Climate Commitment, which acknowledges the transformation that is required across the real estate sector to deliver net zero buildings by 2050. The scope of the commitment makes it one of the most ambitious that property owners can adopt.


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